Who Am I?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Things they said

As you can probably tell, some of these entries are for the grandparents.  I don't suspect random strangers or even friends find that everything my kids say is hilarious, or even cute.  I also use this space as a place to keep the memories and random sayings of any given moment.  With that said, here are some more:

+When EG cries--for whatever reason--as parents we naturally mutter some version of -- meant to be--soothing "shhh, shhh."  We say it to calm her, we saying without thinking.  Lately, she responds by stopping the crying and looking up at us to say, "No, I just want to cry.  Let me cry."  She returns to crying.
We start to laugh--internally, of course.  She takes the "shhh" sound to mean the same as what it means in church when she tries to give the sermon instead of our pastor.  :)

+Today is hot.  HOT!  BB has been running around as I "work" in the office.
He came in and said, "Mom, I am thirsty."
I said, "Ok, one minute.  I'll get you something."
"No, mom.  I am thirsty.  I'm thirstier than you love me."
"Not possible, my friend. Not. possible."

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