Who Am I?

Monday, May 03, 2010

Cold Feet

I imagine doubt is a part of everyone's life.  For us, for my husband, doubt is the broken record...a soundtrack we never intended to play.  Doubt is often the third member of our marriage.  It wanders around trying to find a chink in ones armor.  Pressing and pressing until it breaks in.  Then, it just keeps on.  Doubt.  Second guessing.  Creating scenario after scenario about how this won't work.  Or that will happen if...

We've got some road noise weighing on our house hunting minds.  How loud is too loud?  Can we sell this house?  Does this noise bother us more than, X, Y or Z criteria? 

I think, I THINK, we are moving forward.  It is less fun though.  Or rather, we are focusing on less fun parts of the new house. 

But, don't all brides feel this way when they get engaged?  (for the record I never did.) And, yes, I carried this metaphor all the way over to this entry.  I promised I would stop, didn't I?


Jennie said...

Buyer's remorse is totally normal; I'm sure you know this. Interestingly (well, maybe only to me), mine centered around road noise, as well. Turned out not to be an issue. Ride the wave. The excitement will return! (Thanks for the posts!)

Colette said...

Love Jennie's "Ride the wave" comment - very true! And just think, as long as it's not as loud as Broadway was at our condo, you're golden! And even if, even Eva slept through the sirens....which maybe are missing here and that's why we have a problem during the day? I digress....

Good luck with getting used to it all - it is going to be a GREAT home!!!!

Rachel said...

Perhaps it is being in TWO relationships at once that give you such a queasy feeling?! ;)