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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Can't go wrong with Pink and Green

 One of my favorite things about where we live is Spring.  I grew up in a climate where Spring is a fleeting dream.  I remember my Grandma scoffing at the purpose of tulips as they barely bloomed and then just got blown away in a day.  Spring is done right here a bit further south.

 I always love a good car drive but the view at this time of year is breathtaking.  The photos don't do the tree buds justice but we live on a bluff and it is very hard to find safe spots to pull over as you are whipping down a curvy, river ravine on your way to gymnastics class.  This is the best I could do.

Here are my tulips...the first person I sent the photos to was my Grandma.  They may not have been meant for the North Dakota prairie but they sure look good in my yard.

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