Who Am I?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Just Stay

My sister has been in town. This story best sums up how much fun we have had with her around.

This morning she learned that some pipes at her house burst and destroyed their recently redone basement. You can imagine the phone calls between her husband as they sort through the mess.

BB listened to all the calls and conversations with his usual interest and attention to detail.

As we drove home from lunch later in the day, he was quiet. Out of the quiet he said, with the sweetest purity, "Say, Aunt Hil, if your house is really broken...you know you could always just stay here with us."

And both my sister and I teared up.

There is going to be some serious love withdrawal around here tonight.

1 comment:

Colette said...

Such a great story....can totally hear him saying this from the backseat :-) Yes, love withdrawal happens every time that woman leaves us, doens't it? Ant Hil ROCKS!