Who Am I?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Introverts. Why can't you be more like me?

Dear 'I's of the world.
You drive me a bit batty.

Your silence and quiet thought fuels every insecurity I have. I know enough about you to know you'd rather be at home alone. But here you are with me and I don't know what to do with you.

I thought I was over this personality insecuirty. And I was, but your silence creates too much noise in my head and you wear me down. I thought I was ready for it tonight.

Not so much.

What the extrovert is thinking while the introvert is silent at dinner: (Mind you the words are being spoken out loud while the extrovert is thinking these thoughts..)

"Are you racking your brain trying to think of something to say? Do you have nothing to say? You hate me right? What I just said drove you further into thought, and now I'll never get you back. Am I talking too much? Are you content to have me carry the conversation or do you enjoy the silence? Ask a question, any question. Have you even come up with what you want? What all is going on in your head--share some of the fun. Come on, give me something."

Ok, I had to get that out of my system...after all I'm an ENFJ.


Jennie said...

Amen, sister. :)

A Work in Progress said...

For the record, this was a professional event. I have a better handle on the 'I' that lives with me.