Who Am I?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Weighing Options

Do I...
have oatmeal, eggs or peanut butter toast for breakfast?
take Big Boy and EG to the park by our house or the one at the mall?
get coffee at Starbucks or make tea at home?
raise my voice even louder in an effort to get Big Boy's attention or try another tack?
write a blog entry or knit?
take a nap or do laundry?
stay home with the kids for the next two years or explore the call option I was offered on Sunday?
grow where I am planted or find more accommodating soil?
read Kathleen Norris' new book, Acedia & Me: Marriage, Monks, and a Writer's Life or finish up The Cross in Context?
create a class to teach at the church or wait to see how the fall shapes up and what projects come up?
keep making this list or let it go?


Anonymous said...

I know how this can be, my days go the same way. Wish you luck with the call decision though, since that one seems to be a bit bigger of a scale than some of the other day to day ones.
Well, I was off to do the laundry and you see where I ended up:)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being offered a call option! How exciting! Best of luck with the decision process -I hope it brings you less angst than my decicion process brought me (no, I wasn't offerend a call, but thanks for wondering!) Thinking of you and we will miss you this weekend! Have a great time in MI and wave hello to the F16's as you drive past Chicago.