Who Am I?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Overheard at the Pastor's House

When Mean Mommy attempted to put the markers away..."I was going to play with them, with Jesus." (Meaning the Fischer Price Jesus from his Nativity set.)

In a last ditch attempt to avoid bedtime..."I want a drink. (no luck) One more book...just one. (nope) I need to say prayers again. (nearly caved, but we had said all the prayers.) I waaaaannnntttt Body of Christ."

When I caught him poking his sister's forehead and told him not to touch her..."I looking for her cross."

"Mom, you locked me from my Bible." The hallway gate was up, blocking his access to his room.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness...sorry but all I could do was laugh and laugh at those.