Who Am I?

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

The Happiness Project

I finished a book.  It took much longer than I had planned.  I think I may need glasses...so there is that to slow me down.  Plus, it wasn't a novel so I got a tad bored...or was filled with enough information for the night...and had to put it down.

The author blogs at this link...The Happiness Project.

I found it helpful and inspirational.  It did jump start me out of some dull drums.  The book is probably most applicable to those at any point of a midlife crisis or transition.  I imagine a lot of people would find it unnecessary, trite or narcissistic.  Much like I found the ever popular Eat, Pray, Love.  The Happiness Project is much more pragmatic and grounded.  Plus I share many traits of Gretchen Rubin, the author.  She gives herself gold stars for achieving her monthly goals.  I like gold stars.  I often wish life handed them out.

One of her basic tenants is to "Be Gretchen."  Or in my case, "Be Me."  Seems so simple you are probably saying, "You kept reading after this earth-shattering idea.  Revolutionary."  I imagine you using your sarcastic voice.  (which is not very helpful to use if  you are trying to be happy. so stop, please.)  "Be *insert name here*" seems simple and obvious, but how many times in a day do you make a choice based on who you want to be, who others have decided you are, or try to present yourself as more...excited, smart, dumb, bored...than you really are.  Like what you like.  Whether that be food, clothing, music, tv, movies...  Think how you think.  Speak up about these things.

The episode of Seinfeld tonight had George doing a bit on pesto.  "I hate pesto."  Jerry ask why he ordered it. " I feel like I am suppose to like it.  Everyone likes pesto.  All of sudden everywhere you turn people are eating pesto.  I don't like it."  So stop ordering it...just be George.

Simply being yourself is much harder than you think it is.  But you might as well give it a try--You may be happier for it.


Gretchen said...

I totally agree with her ... I think EVERYONE should "Be Gretchen." HA! HA! HA! Just kidding. I do like her blog. Can I borrow the book? (I know, I know. I still have to return others!) I do agree with many of her tenets. Thanks for the reminder to "Be Gretchen" (which is true in my case!)

A Work in Progress said...

Ha, ha...yes, I think of you every time I read the sentence. I kind of laugh to myself..."I can't be Gretchen. Whoa Nellie...!" ;)