Who Am I?

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

You Have Returned

This little Corduroy-esque bear has lived with us for four years.  Bought for BB by his aunt, I doubted the purpose of said bear (who comes in a removable bunny outfit) when it was given to me at a baby shower.

True to forum, BB took my disbelief and turned it in to his best friend.  What do I know?  The two have been inseparable ever since BB was about six months old.  You'll note how well loved he (she?) is.  We call the bear Bunny Bear. (or my name, The Cross Dressing Bear--which isn't as child appropriate.)  They were inseparable until one morning about a month or more ago.  Bunny Bear disappeared.  Poof.  He (she?) was gone.  Vanished before our very eyes.  All of our searching couldn't bring him (her?) out of hiding.  Most of us, frankly, suspected that EG had done something with the bear, but we couldn't prove it, so we let it go.  But we wondered.  We searched.  We torn open drawers and doors.  Boxes of toys were tossed and turned in vain.  Sheets were stripped, the pillow searched.  We even turned over the dog's bed in the basement---far away from the last known whereabouts of Bunny Bear.  But he (she?) was gone.  And we began to live with that reality.

Sadder for me, was the fact my BB seemed ok.  Once the initial tears passed, Bunny Bear was only mentioned once or twice a week, at bedtime.  Part of me was hoping for more tears.  More in consolable grief and pain.  I wanted my son to be, well, more of a baby about the whole matter.  I wasn't ready for my first born baby to give up his friend so easily.  I wasn't ready for my BB to be all grown up and ready to face the world sans security blanket/bear.

So, I don't know who was more happy when I gave the search one last effort tonight.

I lifted the mattress off from his bed frame and we pulled out the drawers that slide under the bed.  That's when I saw it.  As the second drawer was pulled out, I noticed the worn chocolate patch of Bunny Bear's paw.  Just a hint of possibility peaked at me.  Could it be?  I reached down and grabbed the paw...thrilled and amazed that we found him (her?).  I was nearly in tears, BB was giggling uncontrollably.  He hugged Bunny Bear and immediately jumped into bed to snuggle.  BB also began to share with Bunny Bear how he (she?) had missed Pajama Day at preschool today..."But its ok, you can come with me next year."

I don't know who is more happy tonight, my sleeping son, or myself?  Both of us content that the world is back as it should be.  Little boys remain just that, little boys.  Whew.  I don't know about him, but I'm not ready for a world without Bunny Bear.


Gretchen said...

Hooray! I will stop bad mouthing Annabelle. I thought for sure she was guilty. Sorry Annabelle! :)

caron said...

yes. this post made my already-good-mood even better. so glad to hear that he/she is no longer suffocating!

Jennie said...

A great entry. Written by the woman who once held a funeral for her blankie. :) Glad to hear that everyone is reunited. :)

Rachel said...

Hooray! What a sweet boy...I bet he'd prefer Bunny Bear over Star Wars any day. :)

Rachel said...

And, WOW. That is a rough looking bear!

Colette said...

Love this post!!! And what a week of celebrations!!!