Who Am I?

Monday, March 22, 2010

My Week--A List Cross Off

*Make and bring meal to family with new baby--nutty chicken, rice and cupcakes
*Make and bring snack to Mom's Group--blueberry coffee cake, oranges
*free pastry day at Starbucks
*take kids to park...break Lenten lunch fast (again)
*Go to foot doctor--otherwise known as Podiatrist--have plater facitis, which I knew.  Ice, advil, new shoe insert.  Did not answer my question of "what cute shoes can I wear come summer?"
*Write Thank you notes from EG's birthday--Whew.  Just in the nick of time: Sunday 5:pm.

*Plan and organize dinner and game night for 20-30 small group
*Host Dinner and Game night--super fun night!!
*Attend Mops--didn't happen.  Went to bed with a chill and woke up with a fever and other symptoms.  Please note what remains to work on...oops.  This is why one should plan a head a bit better.
*Write sermon for Palm Sunday--it got done.
*Practice readings the Gospel text...only as long as a usual sermon.  sigh.

*Remember to get BB to school on time.* (Day One, Day Two, Day Three-check.)


Colette said...

And don't forget your free pastry at Starbucks!!! Uber important!!!!!!!!!! G-luck wtiht he list....yikes.

Colette said...

Wow - I have a much shorter list than yours and STILL missed free pastry day at Starbucks :-( 20-30 people at your house? Even if not, 20-30 people? You'll do great!

A Work in Progress said...

Not at MY house--sorry, 20-30 yr olds. Only 15 or so of them...at church. I'm not cooking/serving either. Only the details of game organization (and game purchasing...)

Colette said...

OK - you can't keep adding to your list. (though I may have gotten you going with Pastry Day add)The "list making people" say that you shouldn't have more than 7 items on a to-do list: otherwise, you'll be overwhelmed. I think any more than 3 items is overwhelming, personally :-)

Sorry about the foot - ouch. My foot is killing me too - same as after Eva was born....I am walking around the house day and night w/out shoes on on hardwood floors - must start wearing shoes, all the while explaining to Eva that SHE can't wear shoes inside (a daily battle as of late...not sure why)

OK - bye for now!!!!! Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the foot problems. My mom has the same thing and I have thought for years that I am heading that direction...not fun.
Enjoy game night!