Who Am I?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Confessions

During Lent I thought it might be fun to bring you a confession each Friday.  I anticipate a range of areas and depth.  None too painfully personal or serious...this I promise.

Friday Confession: Take 1
Remember the event on Valentine's day?  Well, each table was covered with a white plastic table cloth.  This particular church reuses the table coverings each and every time.  They have them stored in various bins in a closet.  I set up the room, and so had to rummage through the various bins to find coverings for each table.  Two of the longest tables did not have a covering long enough.  So, after many, many attempts to find the correct one, I used two and made it work.

Let's cut to the end of the day.  Adrenaline was wearing off.  Youth were in high drama. Most, to all, of the tables coverings were clear of food, confetti, table decorations, etc.  My feet hurt like that of a middle aged woman with too much weight on her body, wearing shoes that don't fit since her feet widened during pregnancy...which fits my description to a tee.  I was tired.

It was at this point I turned around only to see we had forgotten--The Longest Table.  The one with two coverings, the one that had held the chocolate fountain and all the dessert options.  It was smearing with chocolate.  It had wrappings and left over candy on it.  It was the table where we put the most heart glitter.  It was a big mess that I just didn't want to deal with.

One look around the gym confirmed that I was alone.  Everyone else was in the kitchen.  So, instead of cleaning off the covering and saving the glitter (as we had been doing), I grabbed the whole covering, wrapped it up on itself until it was the size of a volleyball and thought of a place to put it.  I didn't want my 'crime' to be found out.  I was too tired to ask for grace or plead my case to the women in the kitchen.  I didn't want anyone clucking after I was gone when they saw it in the garbage can.  So...

I held it close to my body, and walked as fast as I could to my office.  I closed the door and shoved the ball into my bottom desk drawer.

It is still there.


Anonymous said...

;- LOVE YOU! LOL from your mom

Pastor Lindean said...

You make me glad! I laughed right out loud!
And as long as you're not planning to lick off the smeared chocolate... :)
Feel free to mail the mess to me and I will dispose of it for you, no questions asked.

Gretchen said...

THAT IS HILARIOUS!!!!!!! I wish I could have been there to have seen the look on your face trying to find a place to hide it. BTW, I have thrown away tablecloths at church for exactly the same reason. I was not "clever" enough to hide them, I just threw them away in front of people. One time, someone took them out of the garbage and cleaned them off. I didn't care -- my feet hurt TOO much. I will be laughing for a long time about this one. Too funny!!

Colette said...

I am laughing so hard that you didn't even throw it away in the garbage :-) Awesome confession....reminds me when I had to go to confession when I was ~ 8 years old and I literally confessed that I crossed the street against the crossing guards flag........seriously, couldn't I have come up with something more? ;-) BTW - I would've buried the tablecloth deep in the garbage......you are quite clever :-)

Anonymous said...

Brought a smile to my face....I will keep a close eye on you from now on ;) Actually, I could totally see myself doing the same thing...too funny