Who Am I?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Everybody's Got Something to Offer...

to the discussion. My denominational body made news recently. I was on vacation so have yet to read the final documents. I haven't had a chance to talk with friends and colleagues who were there.

Plus, my brain doesn't engage fast enough to offer printed commentary on a semi-public blog quite yet. But I am pleased. From what I have read, I am even proud of the work being done.

Here are a few blog links from people whose brains did have something say on the topic....
Start here. It is what I would have written if my brain worked. You must read it. (It is my blog after all, I can be bossy.)

The Paris Project The Toddler, The Discharge, and The Humidity (I may kiss her when I hear her speak in October...I might just.)

and from Peacebang it goes in a totally different direction. One worth thinking on/being more mindful of.

Tensegrities has a lot of links and directions to go should you have time and interest.

As I said, it has been vacation time around here..more reports soon.

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