Who Am I?

Monday, August 31, 2009


Thanks to the miracle of Facebook I have connected with cousins and second cousins. It has been so fun to get to know them better and interact beyond the shy encounters over a shared family potluck. One of my cousins writes a blog...so here is another one for you. She is a hilarious and honestly real person.

You'll read a few posts on a detox she did over the summer. About the time she was ending her detox I gave the old aktins diet a try. A two week try. It had dismal results. Mind you my hypothyroid numbers are so low you had to scrape me off the floor at the time. Starvation wouldn't have helped.

But it did reaffirm for me how addicted to food I am. So to the on going list of things I am working on, I add, "food is just energy" to my list. It isn't love. It isn't a celebration. It isn't my friend....or enemy. It just is. Energy meant to keep me going.

I haven't exercised in three months. Longer really. Unbelievable. If there is one area of my life that I can no longer recognize myself, it is here. So, I watch from the outside as one friend trains for her first half marathon. Never an athlete she is diving into a world I use to occupy. Another took up running, finished a half marathon and various road races, then decided to put together her own 5k. It just took place and went really well. I listen as she talks about the type of event I spent every weekend attending or participating in for years.

All of them serve as inspiration. Detox. Running. Organizing.

I'm gearing up for a strong fall. But probably need to move beyond blog entries...
It is Monday.


Anonymous said...

can you remind my body about food being energy...I think it often forgets!

Trying the GF/CF thing a bit and doing very poorly as well....it is tough to put the energy into it.

Not being a runner EVER, I am sad that I do not do any sort of activity at this point....my body, mind, and soul are all missing it!!!

SO, I hear ya girl!!!

A Work in Progress said...

Dear one, jog my memory...GF/CF???

A Work in Progress said...

I got it. No fear...my brain is coming back to me..YAY!!!