Who Am I?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer's Guilty Pleasure

Time to come clean on a few of my summertime activities....

Sometime last spring my friend Jennie (I need someone to blame here) introduced me to this blog. She read about it in the New York Times Style Section. I immediately read most, if not all, of the blog and spent all summer checking in each day. When this became predictable...charity benefit, preppy wickedly expensive items, travel to Europe...I started to search through the blog rolls.

That is where I found this blog. Another guilty pleasure. And of course from her blog you can find others, and so on, and so on....

Summer is galloping towards fall and I need to stop. These women's lives are so dramatically different from my own they only serve to stir up jealousy and sheer bewilderment. Something has to give as I ponder my fall schedule and these two are top on my list Blog Cutback List.

My addiction to their blogs isn't adding much to my day. I am sure they are lovely people, I am just confessing here, and hoping that like any addict my admission will help me to move on.

And because I have come to enjoy them I don't want them to feel abandoned I'll just send them your way, should you need a break from your own reality. Enjoy.


Jennie said...

Gosh, I'd even forgotten I'd sent that to you. I'll be more mindful of what I send your way in the future. ;)

A Work in Progress said...

Yes, I take your recommendations quite seriously.