Who Am I?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Benefits of Keeping it Special

"What we doing today, Mom?"
"What can I clean?"
"You can dust the shelves and the bench."
With absolute glee and a little jump..."Ok, Mom!!"

We both go to work dusting. He takes things off the shelves and dusts, then carefully returns them. He gets out a broom to help sweep. He runs frantically to his room when the vacuum comes out.
"What else can I clean?"
"Well, how about you clean up your kitchen?"
"Oh. Good idea." And another little jump and a spin. (Where did that phrase come from?)

We are in complete joy around here. Productive. Happy. Listening, and coming up with phrases such as, "Thanks." "I will do that." "Yes." "Sure." "How fun."

Three or four months ago he was officially, and consistently, given the 'big boy job' of clearing his dishes from the table after he ate. When he first got to do this task he exhibited the same joy as I mention above. Today, months later this job is no longer fun. It has become a chore and something he needs to be pushed to accomplish at least once a day.

See, there are benefits to only cleaning the house once or twice a week. :)


Lindean said...

Hee hee. Hey - I've launched a Moms & Munchkins group here at CtK and today, to get discussion started, I read your last post, just to see what would happen. Great conversation!
Love the new format, too - what inspired the change?

Anonymous said...

WOW! What happened here? I love the new look. I love polka dots -- very cool!

Glad to know that you have "help" around the house, now. I love the helping stage children go through. Well, my oldest helps for about 5 minutes - unless he thinks he might get paid for the extra work, which I do sometimes, if it's above and beyond! But my other two are big helpers! Sometimes, too much! :)

Loved the Panera story. I won't be at MOPS tomorrow as Williams has Preschool Program. :(

See you Sunday!

A Work in Progress said...

Lindean...Tell me more. I don't know that I'd start a mom's group out with that last entry. "Just to see what would happen" you are brave. :)

No particular inspiration...the other one seemed hard to read.

Anonymous said...

I love the new setting for your blog! It looks more like you. Very cheerful.