Who Am I?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Slow day at Fleet Farm--1993

I began opening boxes today.  I was chugging along until I opened the 'memory box.'  I was putting a journal back and a list fell out.  Apparently it was a slow day at the Fleet Farm cash register, lane 8.  July 29, 1993--just a month short of my 21st birthday. (seven years to the date before I would be married.)  It would have been the summer before my junior year in college.

A list of things I, apparently, wanted to do in my life.  Thankfully, I put no goal date on my list.

handwriting class
vocb improve
play golf
tennis lessons
drive boat
know how to change tires, oil
have financial understanding
write a book-short story
cook 1 thing really well
have understanding of wine
get job
have dog
garden, plant, have flowers in home
be in a play
feel comfortable on horse-jump with a horse
get job
learn Spanish better
finish a triathlon
live in a house with others
write resume
improve GPA
art design lessons
have an article published
have children
travel-British Columbia, Scotland, England, Norway/Sweden, see every state, Mexico?
have traditions-style  i.e.  tea at 4pm with scones
get job
read Bible
Collect-children's books for the illustrations, tea cups
nationals XC
Leave mark on world around me.  Add to people and their lives.  Do onto others as I wish them to do on to me.

I retyped this as it was written.  I am not sure when I crossed out some of the ideas.  (They aren't crossed off because I accomplished them.)  Some made me laugh out loud.  Some made me cry.  Mostly they made me even more aware of the need for empathy.


Colette said...

This is fun to find! My favorite is "feel comfortable on horse-jump with a horse " - I would've crossed that off too. Yikes. Scares me still - maybe that's why I *should* have it on my list, then. Good luck with getting through more boxes - reminds me of organizing our loose photos when I was pregnant with Matthew - it took exponentially longer because I went through and remembered everything while putting them into albums. Laughing and crying there too ;-)

Gretchen said...

I don't understand why I don't see "Move to a midwest city and find awesome friends" on your list. : ) Just kidding! What a treasure to find, actually.