Who Am I?

Thursday, April 01, 2010

(Maundy) Thursday Theology

It actually started last night.  In the shower was an African American Baptist choir singing  and stomping their feet along to a song that has these lyrics:  "They rolled the stone away.  They rooooolled it away.  (over and over) Jesus is aaaaalive. (over and over)."  The smell of sickening sweet fruit soap mixing with the steam, made me realize that "no", we hadn't left the doors open to a choir, but rather BB was on a roll in his nightly shower.

Today, in the car he began to speculate about that stone.  "Mom, how many people do you think it took to move it in front of Jesus' tomb?  six or eight?"
"Maybe two...three...four...five... or eight gajillion quadiridian.  Do you think it was that many?"
"What do you think?"
"I don't know that God did it."
"Say more...did what?"
"Mom.  You know when those bad guys came and put Jesus in the tomb all dead...I don't know if God moved the stone."
"Humm.."  (traffic got heavy for a moment.)
"Why do you think those bad guys killed Jesus?  They were bad.  (he is angry sounding now.)."
"BB, I don't know if they were bad guys...I think they were afraid. I think they didn't want to do the things Jesus was asking them to do...like love people, and give up power...not get to be in charge.  I think they were afraid."
"Mom.  If God is big enough to move that stone away...ya remember, the one eight gajillion quadiridian people moved into place...can't God hold the whole world in his hands?  Or maybe the two of them...God and Jesus, they can hold the whole world in their hands."

(by this time we had arrived at our destination...)
"Yes, BB God is big enough to move the stone away and hold the whole world."
A bit of a pause and I figure the conversation is going in a whole new directions.  Nope.

"How did they kill Jesus?"
"Oh, (sigh) BB.  That is a really sad part of the story....do you really want to hear it?"
"oh.  no, I guess not today."

He looks sad and serious.  Thinking for a while.

The car is stopped, and I am out of it standing in the parking lot by BB's carseat.  I run my hands through his hair and kiss his cheeks.  This dear boy.  This dear, dear boy who I hope remembers his shower performance and learns to go through life in celebration....verses lament.  While the full story is important for all of us to hear and remember...some of us are prone to go through life forgetting the joy Good Friday was meant to bring us.



juliemac_29 said...

Thanks for this post. I'm bringing Holland to Good Friday service today and have been struggling to frame Holy Week for her - especially Good Friday. And while I'd sort of been trying to dodge it, funny how it ends up that I need to go to work for a little right around the time of that particular service. Good Friday is part of what makes the Easter Celebration such a celebration though, right? Funny how these kids make you think in a whole different way...

Rachel said...

I love his sweet, tender heart. It is so wonderful to spend our days with children...the ones who remind us to think about the world in the way Jesus said was best!

Colette said...

So great..........wonderful little man, that Henry :-)

All I got through to Eva with was that Jesus was coming home from a "long trip" on Easter and that's why everyone is so happy. Major paraphrasing, but I could hardly hold her attention with that story. She looked at me and said "Easter Bunny." "Jesus." Sigh ;-)

We got two books from folks at church about it, so we have a while to dive into those before next year :-)