Who Am I?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

One Day-Wed. November 14, 2012

When the Hollywood Housewife suggested last week (?) to document One Day, I put it on my calendar.  Then Wednesday, November 14, 2012 began to fill up.  Tuesday, I wondered to myself why I was going to add one more project to the day.  Looking it over, simply getting through the day may have been a major cause for celebration, documenting much of it may have pushed it from busy to down right insane.

But I did it.  My camera and I traveled (88 miles) together all day long.  The kids called me the Camera Woman and wondered why "me and my friends" were doing this.

To add to the festivities, my Husband decided to get new tires for my car today. So the morning would also involve switching cars and driving his car throughout the day.  The appointment for the tires was about the same time he usually takes BB to school, so today instead of Dad taking BB...me and my merry morning friends would get a jump on the day together.

The day started at 5am with the last cup of coffee from Tuesday.  I warmed it up and tried to make it last until I could get some more.  The day progresses with drop off of BB, attempt to get coffee, drop off of EG and a brief stay at school to "help" other women on a birthday gift project for the teacher.  From there LP and I would go look for jeans for me and then pick up EG.  EG, LP and I would meet up my co-worker for lunch and a quick run through of the Family Life Ministry Calendar.  We'd then drive to get BB from school a few minutes early so that we could go back to get EG and BB a haircut.  After the trim, we would go home.  At home I had an hour or so to make two corn casseroles for the church Thanksgiving Feast.  We would all head to choir and the feast, before arriving back home where I would attempt to upload the photos while Husband told me about his day.  At this point fatigue hits me and I give a grumpy look.

"I have been taking care of people all day, can I just do this project for a bit...then I'll come listen to your stories."  says I.
"Alright.  But my stories may change your life."  says he.
"Uh...We'll see."  I offer, as I plug in the camera to the computer and begin to type.

Wed. November 14, 2012  One Day in Photos


Anonymous said...

loved seeing your day in words and pictures:) Well Done! BW

Colette said...

loved this! And loved seeing a link to your blog from Hollywood Housewife (btw, she goes out one/two times/week?!) And so, the question remains, were there any stories that ended up changing your life?

Great fun to see and read - miss you - wish we lived at least w/in a few hours of each other and could meet for coffee. btw, laughed out loud when I saw the sign at Starbucks about burst pipe - and then the next picture was coffee from Panera. Fantastic :-)

laura @ hollywood housewife said...

Your detail pictures are great!! It makes me want to go back and get some shots of the dashboard, how my desk looked, etc.

Thanks so much for participating in the link up, even though you had a really busy day. It was so fun to do with everyone.

PS - yes, Collette, we have lots of things in the evenings. And I'm a total grandma about bedtime! :)