Who Am I?

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


I know most people don't share my passion for all things political...but Election Day should be a holiday.  Celebrate this blessing and hard fought right.  I think it matters who you vote for...but any one who reads this knows my thoughts.  (although I must say where I am voting today, it is a choice between bad and worse, across the state...BUT I am still voting.)

All I will say is this...my home state of Minnesota better remember who they are and what makes them great among the other 50 states.  Don't make me come back there so I can campaign and vote....please, oh, please see the error of this congresswoman's ways!!!!

Going to be a late night for me...watching the results, and my blood pressure get high.  I love it!



juliemac_29 said...

Seriously. Waiting for tonight's MN returns is giving me heart palpatations. Please let the state not totally disappoint me.

A Work in Progress said...

It is embarrassing. I'm not sure if it means I need to come home ASAP, or never return. ????? Julie...and others...you failed me. ;)