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Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving Free-for-All

What are you giving thanks for this year? I'd love to read about it...so jot a note in the comments when you get a chance.

I also put up a poll about favorite Thanksgiving foods...please, VOTE and then feel free to add more comments...I'd love hear what is on your Thanksgiving table or what you'll miss because you will be away from home or your regular traditions.


Lindean said...

Hey Heather - this will be my first Thanksgiving with my in-laws in California (we did the 1200 mile road-trip over the last 2 days). And there will be something like 25 of us here - cousins I haven't met yet and all the nieces and nephews. Should be fun, though I will miss my family's traditions, which of course include lefse. But not potato lefse, HARDANGER lefse, the only true lefse, according to my grandmother. :)

Anonymous said...

Ok - what is lefse? And you left off stuffing (or dressing), you know, that bread cube stuff, of the Favorite food list. That is my favorite. Yummy!! My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is being with family and eating my mom's food. My mother-in-law is a great cook but I guess you get used to what your own family eats. My mom makes these carrots with real maple syrup...the best. And sweet potato casserole that is amazing. Oh yeah, not the year to go to my parent's house. Oh well. My mother-in-law makes awesome cinnamon rolls. i also look forward to my children approving of the clothing I make them wear on Thanksgiving...it's all about looking good and proper in photos and not about the comfort. They really love that. Seriously though, I do look forward to being with family. A reminder that we all have a lot of reasons to be thankful. :)

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for....
my family’s health, Eva taking naps, not having to commute to work everyday, new friends, getting poked on Facebook, and THIS BLOG! Happy Thanksgiving - love you!

Anonymous said...

Bridget here.....I am thankful for my family...good sleep days...friends like you....and I love mashed potatoes and dessert..a tradition used to be that my grandpa would crack walnuts and take out the nut parts and us the shells to play the shell game where you guess which shell the nut is hiding under.....I am not a huge walnut fan, but that was always fun:)