Who Am I?

Tuesday, June 07, 2011


Went on vacation.
Came home.
Showed house.
No one bought it.
May 31st, took house off market.
Process of rearranging house so we can live in it.  EG now has a bedroom.  We are getting ready to make BB's room "fancy."
Five weeks until The Baby arrives.  We hope to be ready...

That's the update.  I am hoping to have more posts, especially as the summer heat begins to sizzle and need to stay inside more often.

1 comment:

Lindean said...

5 weeks? Holy third trimester, batman! It feels like I just read that post from mid-March with your announcement! I'll take it from baby's current title ("The Baby") that baby's gender remains a mystery? Anything you need long distance? Know you are much prayed for!