Who Am I?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Summer that Was

While still not officially fall, the schedule has moved on. Gone are the lazy days of parks and late bedtimes. It was our best summer yet as a family. I conquered my 'summer-no-schedule-angst.' It helped that the kids where old enough to walk, talk and feed themselves. So, a review is in order.

Trips to a local pool.

We visited a nearby children's museum a few times. Enjoying a much appreciate Chipotle burrito as well.

Mornings at the park...we even tried a few new ones.


My husband showed up for a brief stint on the church softball team and we enjoyed the social time afterward.


We celebrated 4th of July by decorating our bikes and riding around a friend's neighborhood. We watched fireworks together out of the back of our car.

A trip to MI was a welcome change of pace. It even turned out to be fun.


We spend a weekend with family in IA.


I wrote notes and connected with people.

All five of us headed to MN for some time:
celebrating my 37th birthday with those dearest to me
racing turtles
playing in the sand
gathering up mementos
snooping around run down houses
walking The Point
remembering why I get so homesick some days

The kids and I enjoyed lunches at various local restaurants.

We prepared for preschool.

I fiddled with medications and doctors.

On to fall..while we did summer well, it is good to be back.


Colette said...

Wait - we are still going to the park..well, that's really about all except for the random library trips when we have the car and reading so many books over and over again I might need glasses. A GREAT summer for sure......but it's still ok to go to the park :-)

A Work in Progress said...

Yeah, we've been to the park, too. Just not EVERY day for as long as we all want to stay. Schedules, man, got to keep on them. :)