It was made from a fall fabric fat quilting square, a roll of toilet paper, and a dowel or thick stick. You wrap the quilt square up on the tp roll, sticking the ends into the top hole. Then you place the dowel or stick in the top for the stem. Easy. Cute. I could not find mine.
Ours were actually cuter than these.
Here is my fear.
As I was searching through my seasonal shelves, this thought came to me..."I wonder if we ran out of tp and I just decided to use this roll."
Good-NESS. Where would that thought come from if some part of it wasn't true? Had it really come to this? Tell me that I wasn't this bad off? Mining the fall craft decor for basic human essentials. I was potty training BB this time last year...EG was 7 months old. I can't rule out much, can I?
The other option is, of course, that my husband took it to The Goodwill. I don't think so. Nothing on my shelves has ever disappeared without my permission and knowledge.
I fear what has become of this pumpkin. I really hope for all our sake's that I find it.
The alternative is just too sad.
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