This piece will be at the very end. I have an odd distain for litanies but this is how things are done so I didn't rock the boat too much. (just turned it around another direction)
Call to Worship
P: Worship today had a new order. For some of us it added to the excitement of the worship service, we enjoyed experiencing worship in a new way…
C: for others it was odd, confusing and at times frustrating.
P: We are each creatures of habit after all. We like things to turn out the way we think they should.
C: We like people to behave the way we think they should.
P: Jesus reminds us today, that if we are bothered by things like the offering coming after communion, or the announcements coming at the end of worship…
C: the Kingdom of God is really going to shake us up.
P: Jesus reminds us,
C: Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all. We are called to welcome the least, embrace the lost and serve the one we'd least expect to.
P: Greatness isn’t found by getting the order right, or by being perfect, or finding all the answers
C: Our greatness is measured by how we love each other. By how we serve each other.
P: And, that my friends, never has a clear order…it can be odd, confusing and at times frustrating
C: But it is what God has called us to do…welcome the unknown, embrace the stranger and through the chaos, we will be drawn closer to God.
I like litanies! Love this ... may just have to come. Shake up my idea of worship and liturgy. ;)
It will be up on a screen. No bulletin. Still think you can handle it? :) Grin!
NO BULLETIN!?!?! Gasp! I am not sure. ;) I like to hold something in my hands ... I don't really like it when the hymns are printed in the bulletin. Give me a good ole worship book to use. Sheesh. Why must everything change??? He! He!
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