A Year of Biblical Womanhood by Rachel Held Evans, is being officially released on
October 30th.
The following are quotes from the book.
If you'd like a chance to win a copy, please leave me a comment-using the Rafflecopter application below--(between now and Oct 28) telling me which quote you particularly enjoy.
Book will be ordered from Amazon on Oct 30.
Book will be ordered from Amazon on Oct 30.
Quote 1 from pg. 295
"Far too many church leaders have glossed over these stories and attempted to define womanhood by a list of rigid roles. But roles are not fixed. They are not static. Roles come and go; they shift and they change. They are relative to our culture and subject to changing circumstances. It's not our roles that define us, but our character."
Quote 2 from pg. 95
"The Proverbs 31 woman is a star not because of what she does but how she does it--with valor. So do your thing. If it's refurbishing old furniture--do it with valor. If it's keeping up with your two-year-old--do it with valor. If it's fighting against human trafficking...leading a company...or getting other people to do your work for you--do it with valor."
Quote 3 from pg. 13
during an etiquette class, and as she is getting pennies for each "contentious" thing she does or says...
"After a second glass of champagne, I was having an easier time holding my knife and fork continental-style without looking like a baby bird about to attempt flight. I'd also learned how to properly put a napkin in my lap...and accept a compliment. ...By the end of the night...
But had I achieved a gentle and quiet spirit?
The trucker who cut me off on the way home would probably have an opinion about that. He cost me five cents."
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Ok, I like quote 2 and plan on trying to keep it in my mind....and try to do it all with valor....washing the dishes, caring for my children, participating in my church, even exercising..I like the idea of being a star...not a celebrity, but the best version of myself..A star in MY world
I liked the first quote. Especially because our role as women does change in our lifetime as well - daughter, mother, grandmother, nurse, friend, psychologist. But the thing that stays the same is our character.
Oh, quotation three. Definitely. I'd be out a quarter every time I left my home. Of course, there is something about that which could probably stand to be redeemed. ;)
This is hard because I really like all three - but I guess the one that resonates the most is number #2. Doing whatever I am doing with valor. Maybe if I keep that in mind, it will help me do the things that have to be done all the time (that seem so monotonous and not fun) a little more important. Making whatever I am doing, important at that time. I am doing them with valor. I like that word. I looked up the official definition - "strength of mind or spirit to encounter danger with firmness; personal bravery." Certainly applies to laundry and dishes and errands and other things at my house. Dealing with children and household takes is DANGEROUS!! : )
Ok that was my blank quote above. Geez. So, I will try this again. The first quote struck me because I am probably one of those rule breakers - being a woman pastor who is in a lead role of a large congregation. I am sure many are nice to me because I am sweet lil' old Genelle...who happens to be their Pastor...
I like all three, but especially the first and third. And if anyone else was commenting for me, about me, it'd definitely be #3.
Ooh. The Proverbs 31 woman. Living life with valor is no small feat. Why does it seem like we need permission to 'do our thing'? It appears to me some seasons of life are more prone to this conflict.
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