Who Am I?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tomorrow, Today Will Be Over

Completed.  Checked off.  Done, never to be repeated again.

Hours tick by, days fly. Weeks are a blur and pretty soon, it has been months since you've...
talked to a friend
sat down with your mom
listened to the birds sing
looked at your husband's face
noticed the length of your son's legs
fed your dog*
written a blog post.

Summer of 2012 has been and I did it.  I finished up the fog of breast feeding and the hormonal whirlwind of a baby's first year.  An accomplishment I am forever thankful for being this side of.
I turned forty and am still recovering from the mild case of midlife crisis I experienced.
I went Home and I stayed home.

Now, fall comes.  All leaves and still too warm of days.  We adjust to school bus schedules and the promised hope of reading.  I go to meetings and answer emails, feeling a mixture of satisfaction and restlessness.  Some answers are revealing themselves, other mysteries remain.

But, tomorrow this day will be over.  More days than I care to note, I am thankful it is has passed.

I have lived my life this way. 

"What's next? Now what should we do?  Where should we go? Who should I be?"  

As the blooms of summer fade, a desire to live into my own life, grows.  Could be wisdom or exhaustion.  But here is my life.  Day by day coming to close and opening up on the other side.  I'm trying to remember that for better or worse, tomorrow I won't be able to redo today.

*the dog got fed by others.

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