Who Am I?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What I Want to Be Doing...

Here is what I should be working on.  Opening boxes.  Finding places for the lost articles of clothes.  Re-shelving books.  Creating basic order in our home.

Here is what I want to be working on...

Melted Crayons art for LP's room.

I also want to create my own version of these maps.
(both can be found on Etsy.)



I am mentally creating a wall grouping made out of maps and collages from the places we have lived.  I got a number of scrapbook type stickers and embellishments for a few of the states.  As I began one of the collages this afternoon, I realized I probably have some great postcards and other genuine items from two of the states (WV and ID)...which means, I have to go to the basement.

And dig through some of these...

1 comment:

Colette said...

the color crayon artwork is awesome! so cute! and I've seen those maps as well - very fun! My list of to do's will forever be growing - hopefully in another 1.5 years we will settle somewhere?! oh wait, and then we'll unpack too :-)