Resolute: marked by firm determination
Well, maybe. How about, going to give it my best shot? Not quite the same ring, but it's a start. This particular list also has the added pressure of being "things I want to have done/in place by the time I am 40."
1. I have decided to grow my hair out for locks of love. It is something I have meant to do for a number of years. I have also always wanted to have long hair. This is almost an anti-goal as it only means I need to stop getting my hair cut--easy enough, right? right.
2. Learn to knit something besides baby hats. And, make a few baby hats to have on hand to give away.
3. Make peace with former athlete and become more active. I won't be the woman I was, but I don't have to completely ignore her either. Try the couch to 5k series.
(subtle subtext to number 3: lose weight, gain muscle.)
A few things to help on that goal.
*I can eat all the cookies, cakes and goodies that I make in my house. Unless it is a super fun party and the host worked hard and it would be rude to not partake.
*I will each lunch mostly at my house. (again I say mostly, because I just can't cut it out completely--but I can limit it to once a week or biweekly.)
*Stop eating in front of tvs and computer screens.
*make exercise social. Invite people for walks, not just coffee.
4. Work on monthly sermons more that two days ahead of time.
5. Write every day. Blog and elsewhere.
General attitudinal challenges:
Find ways to show what I care about. Be honest and more confident in my own voice.
Know thyself, and listen.
Practice grace--even with my kids and family.
That's it. That's enough.
*I did this at the nudging of the blog Hollywood Housewife. She's right. Writing it down does give it a bit more power and potential influence.
I found your blog via hollywood housewife and I have to say number 3 really resonated with me! As a former college athlete, I have a hard time letting go of the past and how fast (I ran xc and track) I used to be. One of my goals this year is to enter races and not compare the times from years ago!
Ugh, I really need to break the habit of eating in front of a screen, too. But I just can't! My internet addiction runs deep.
(thanks for participating in the link up!)
How about coffee AND walking? Just saying.... : )
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