The other piece that makes my week much easier is that I haven't preached in a while. A few weeks ago I did two weeks in a row. I am always amazing at how much pressure a sermon adds to my overall week. The constant, internal hum of sermon prep wears me down. Everywhere I go and everything I do is done with my wondering, "Can I get something out of this?" Or the scripture ( and often my lack of direction on what to do with it) runs through my mind. The phrase, "I should be..." is said over and over. "I should be working on my sermon." It makes me snap at my kids and feel way too anxious at other times, neither is exactly what scripture was meant to do, right? My hat is off to those of you preaching each week.
While I've enjoyed the free time, I am back at it for next week...
Just for fun, here is a week in review: a few movies, tv shows and products we saw and used, that I wanted to share.
First up is a hair product by Aveda. My favorite for smells and pure bliss. My hair texture has changed just a bit with each pregnancy. If you didn't study my hair with rap attention you'd probably miss its subtle frizziness. I gave these products , Smooth Infusion shampoo and conditioner a try (with a sample...) and I loved it. It really smoothed out my hair. To the point that my dear husband noticed after I had blow dried it. I don't know how it would be for every shampoo...will it weigh it down? These are the serious issues I will ponder as I think over Luke 5:1-11 this week. But I liked it, so, I'm sharing.
Next up is a movie we watched last night on Nexflix. If you have Netflix you can watch online--FYI. We haven't seen a movie set in a foreign country for a while and it felt good to leave America for two hours. Helped enhance the 'escape' we were looking for.
And then, my latest...sigh...addiction. I flew through the first season of Mad Men during nap time the past two weeks.
A scene from the pilot. It took me 5 or so episodes to really want to keep watching. In the early episodes the misogyny was just too painful. (just so you know, there is no violence towards women, just verbal and cultural sexism. And there isn't the nudity or language of SATC/Weeds/Big Love) By mid season though, the characters fill out a bit and I was really curious as to how they would all develop. Here's a clip with the slimiest of men (eww, eww, eww) and the career minded woman.
I may not start season two for a while...I am trying to work on the Mayo Clinic Diet 5 Habits to Keep and Break.
Add five habits
-- Eat a healthy breakfast, but don't eat too much. (Check)
-- Eat at least 3 to 4 servings of vegetables and fruits a day. (eh....maybe?)
-- Eat whole grains, such as whole-grain bread. (Check)
-- Eat healthy fats, such as olive oil and nuts. (Check)
-- Walk or exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. (Nope)
Break five habits
-- Don't watch TV while eating, and spend no more time watching TV than you do exercising. (Nope!!!!!!!)
-- Eat no sugar except what is naturally found in fruit. (Nope)
-- Eat no snacks except vegetables and fruits. (Nope)
-- Limit the amount of meat and low-fat dairy that you eat. (Check)
-- Eat no restaurant food unless it fits in the diet program. (Nope)
Add five bonus habits
-- Keep records of what you eat. (Nope)
-- Keep records of your physical activity. (Nope)
-- Walk or exercise at least 60 minutes a day. (Nope)
-- Eat mostly fresh foods and healthy frozen or canned foods. (Check)
-- Write down your daily goals. (Nope---unless you mean a To Do List??)
Am laughing so hard that you wrote about Aveda products too! I hadn't read your blog until now - after I posted FB status about my love for Aveda. I seriously almost wrote "and on the seventh day, HE rested after using Aveda products...." I receive WAY too much joy from them myself - really. Clove shampoo and Brilliant conditioner are seriously like going to the spa for me. Anyway, laughed that we both wrote about it!!
Um - the diet. LOTS of pressure there. I say - eat lots of fruits and veggies and chicken and try to exercise - aka....maybe bench press one of the kids a few times a day - a new game! ;-)
Love ya - happy week to you,
jWe watched the movie--we thought it was fun. Thanks for the suggestion.
Glad you enjoyed it. :) Who used my shampoo, though? ;)
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