Who Am I?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I *should* be reading and preparing for classes tomorrow night. 

Instead, I organized my purse.


Here are the contents, all spread out on my desk:

I ordered these to save the day (don't love the colors, but they were on sale):

All done.  We shall see how long this lasts.

Now, I suppose I should go back to reading and preparing...


Gretcehn said...

Pink and blue - how PERFECT for you (note sarcasm dripping in my voice!) :)
I am laughing to myself.
That is a lot of stuff in your purse.


gretchen said...

i cannot even spell my name - sheesh

Rachel said...

Let me guess...the blue bag is to remind you to respect, and the pink bag is to remind you to love? ;)

A Work in Progress said...

Laughing out loud...I love my friends. No, no...the pink holds my lotion, lip glosses, band-aids and breath mints while the blue holds my calculator, pens and ammo.

I must have thought the blue was more purple and the pink was half price(really, I *thought* I ordered green but I was weighing cost verses style as I hit 'add to cart' and cost must have won, so I'll take what I got.)

Anonymous said...

so when are you coming over to organize my purse:) BW