Who Am I?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Time, in Months

It is hard to see the passing of time in those around you. It is only when you are gone for a while that your eyes adjust to what time and nature has done. Growth. Deterioration.

I took note of this during communion on Sunday. I tell time with this congregation on a month to month basis and it is always striking to me what has gone on...

Hands that have aged.
Rings that have been removed.
Babies that are seemingly 12 times bigger than a month ago.
Children who utter complete sentences.
The elderly man, missing from his wife's side at the railing.
Teenagers who have grown even taller.
The woman with Alzheimers who isn't sitting beside her husband at worship today.
Faces that look more drawn.
Hair that is growing in.

It made me look more closely at my own family. Taking in each day...because in a month so much can change.


Anonymous said...

Very insightful! I try to remind myself to pay attention each day because it is easy to not notice how fast time flies by. One needs to make a conscious effort to pay attention. Thanks for the reminder. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree, having a child under a year reminds you of those quick day to day changes...time goes so fast...we have to remember to treasure those little daily moments

Anonymous said...

Very true. I always get a clear mind when we've been on vacation away from everything and came back this time hoping to enjoy more individual minutes of days as well. Wow though - a lot can happen in a month - or even in a few minutes. Keep reminding me us of this as the months roll on!!