"You lazy, EG!" shouts BB as I dress her on our bed.
"She's not lazy."
"Yes, she is."
"What does lazy mean?"
Pause. "You tell I."
"If you don't know what a word means you shouldn't use it. Lazy means someone isn't working hard enough or is sitting around." (Which at this point I realize she is just sitting around...)
"I want to call her lazy." Time to ignore him.
"Let's call her happy. Or smiley. Or silly. (or even stinky, I want to add.) Or squirmy..."
"I want to call her lazy!" he says with an emphatic gesture and a dramatic throwing of himself on to the floor.
He instantaneously jumps up and stands beside me as I dress her.
"Or, I will call her Jesus. Life of God, Jesus."
"Sure, this whole train of thought makes perfect sense", I think, as I chuckle to myself.
He moves in closer to her toes and begins to tickle her and gently pat her legs...in a very sweet, sincere voice he says, "Hi, little lazy baby Jesus."
Wonderful story to start the day!
This TOTALLY made my night! So funny!
This is officially my favorite blog post so far. The theology of Big Boy could well be a book some day. (Glad you're back!)
I really enjoy Henry's logic:)
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