Who Am I?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weekend Update

If you've been looking for me, and haven't found me or heard from me...I'm sick.

Not sick enough to stop blogging, mind you. Not sick enough to stay in bed. Just sick enough to feel depressed over the week to come. Another week where I had hoped to get organized and have some fun and productivity, will pass me by, and will instead be dedicated to getting us all healthy and just making it through.

I'll see you on the other side of Sickness Week. Coming up next is Potty Training Week. (Yes, it is marked on our calendars as such.) I'll be sure to report back on the preparations of that momentous week.

In other news, my prayers and thoughts are with some friends who just welcomed a new baby into their family. I wish them blessing upon blessing as they discover and adjust to this new life among them.

Peace to you.


Anonymous said...

Oh boooooo - could it be the cold from your wonderful family members that visited last weekend?????? So sorry.......drink lots of hot tea (more than normal!) Feel better soon - boo hoo.....

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that now you are sick. Let me just say, that it really s***s! I am STILL trying to get over it. I am so tired by the end of the day. :( Take good care of yourself and rest as much as possible. The dust and the laundry and the dog hair will, I am sory to say, wait for you. Eeks!
