Who Am I?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday: Sermon Prep Transfiguration Year B

I start by going to these two websites:  Text Week  and Working Preacher.

After having written down the scripture texts assigned for the Sunday, I go find my Bible.

After having read the texts a first time I jot down notes in my notebook.  I wish I could say I got more written down but LP wasn't too interested in letting me type while he played.
2 Kings--I felt the grief of leaving, change...
2 Corinthians--Dig in a bit more.  Must be way to unpack that isn't so 'us' and 'them' in regards to what we would call "unchurched" etc.
Mark 9--Yep.  Preached this Sunday every year for the last 4 years.

Part of the challenges with my current preaching schedule is that I often preach the same texts each year.  The congregation has heard ALL I have to say about Transfiguration and then hasn't heard me preach on any of the Sundays surrounding this one.

The working preacher podcast confirmed that I have covered the major topics--people wanting to stay put in glory on top of the mountain, while God has us follow back down to the realty of life.  God comes down to us.  The bookends of Transfiguration and Good Grief (beginning and end of Lent) take place on a mountain top.

Tomorrow I need to listen to the podcast again.  Then will begin reading a few commentaries.

I am trying very hard not to read anyone else's sermon before I have some more thoughts of my own.

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