Who Am I?

Monday, November 01, 2010

Better than Jazzercise

At 2:45 I got a call asking if I could show my house at 4:00pm.  Because I usually weigh situations from the perspective of "how I would do things" I figured if someone called on such short notice they must need a house ASAP. (Translation: I couldn't imagine making someone get ready for a house showing on such short notice unless I loved the house and needed to buy it today.)  So, I negotiated for 4:30 and said, "yes."

Then I....
locked the kids outside. (literally)
put cider on the stove to mull.
lite a candle.
threw all misc coats, sweatshirts, school and work bags, and paperwork from the office in to the car.
put all dirty clothing in baskets and put them in the "laundry room."
put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher...with the current clean ones.  No time to put away.
put the two baskets of clean laundry that I was folding down stairs in the "laundry area."
made three beds.
cleaned up two bathrooms and a kitchen.
yelled at the kids to pick up the back yard and come inside.
put the kids in the car.
ran the swifter wet mop over the floors.
started some quiet music.
and I grabbed some candy for the kids and water for myself.  It was now 4:10.

Once in the car we circled the block and waited.  (Over time I have learned to just wait unless I have other things I must do.)

They came at 4:38pm.
They left at 4:48pm.

I have a flip book of quotes by my bed.  The quote (paraphrased) right now is, "if you can't change something, change how you think about it."

Here's how I am choosing to think about this...I got my workout in for today.

and...wait for it. 
Our house is still for sale.

1 comment:

Colette said...

I have to say I like the cider mulling touch. And holy buckets.....that is impressive getting ready that fast!!! I remember the days of stalking our front door to see how long people stayed "looking" after I had put so much work into making our place look "nice." I didn't have cider mulling, but got lots of texts from our realtor calling me "Queen of the Crockpot." It almost makes you want to go up to some of the people and say "did you even have time to look in the closets while you were in there?!"