Who Am I?

Friday, October 15, 2010

I Don't Do That

I have a review for work this afternoon.  Last night as I was filling out the form, I realized that I don't actually have a job description.  This past year I have done bits and pieces of what was asked and what I felt like doing.  While I will try to clarify my role today in the review, it doesn't completely bother me.

As I was thinking this over I read a chapter in the book Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist.  She talked about how she needed to define her own job description.  Especially, when it came to motherhood.  She wrote about how helpful it was to write out not only a list of what you do like to do, and have to accomplish, but also a list of what you don't do.

I'm pondering this thought.

I realized I don't make Halloween costumes.  That one is coming off my list of "things I feel I should do."
While it might seem that my creative energies would be all about the costume creation.  Halloween always sneaks up on me and I feel pressure rather than enjoyment.  Apparently, there are other things I'd rather be doing during the month of October.

Job descriptions are reviewed on a yearly basis so we'll see what next year brings.  But right now, I am giving my self permission to buy a costume, should it come to that.

It would also be mighty helpful if the costume wearers liked to a) wear costumes and b) could make up his mind.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I completely support you in taking this off your job description. It so happens my mom really enjoyed that particular task and some of the best costumes are still in our basement. If BB should decide he wants to be a bird, a smurf, Ms. PacMan, a crayon or box of crayons (my favorite), just let me know and we'll get it in the mail to you. :) Have fun!