Some days there are things you have to do...
such as yesterday.
We are planning a trip across the border. Three out of four of us either don't have a passport or need to have it renewed. The kids and I had to go to the bank and down to the 'oh, so mysterious' safety deposit box vault. We grabbed the necessary paperwork and headed to the Vital Records Department. EG needed a birth certificate. After that we drove the Post Office and the Passport Office. I collected the necessary paperwork, absorbed the cost of passports for children and made an even longer list of things to do before our passport appointment.
Other days there are things you just want to do...
today, I took the kids to Panera for bagels (and coffee). We came home and played around with various ways to preserve cut hydrangeas. (I settled on hot water) I love how they look in a vase but I can never keep the arrangement for longer than a few hours. Then I wrapped up two cups of flowers and we drove them to a few friends. Our pottery was ready so we stopped by the shop to pick it up. The kids were so excited to see their creations. We had lunch with a parishioner and came home to rest and write. Now, I am being called into BB's room. He has an art store set up. He has "25 or 80 pieces" of work to show me. There is also a coffee shop set up next door. Reportedly, it sells everything that I drink.
As I make my way over to the art gallery, I realize the next day I need to have involves...
a vacuum.
a cleaning rag.
and a laundry machine.
You should be planning on how you are going to help with VBS - not going across the border. You shouldn't have told me so long before you were going. I have ALL SUMMER to harass you about leaving. HA! HA!
Here's wishing you more days at the art gallery and coffee shop (both those outside and inside your home). :)
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