EG is working on talking her self through what she should and shouldn't do. As she opens the markers and crayons to color at the kitchen table...
"I no color on table. Don't color on hands. No, no (as she looks at plastic box). No body color on my feet. I no color on table. Can't color on the tree. (she is looking out the window now) I no color on balls. I can't color on Abbabelle's poop. I no color on table. I onbly color on paper..." (she was coloring as this lengthy conversation went on.)
The kids are fighting more these days. Finding ways to egg each other on. Often the major problem is that EG repeats EVERYTHING BB says. She also repeats phrases and words she has heard but, of course, has no idea of what she is saying. (but then sometimes she does know, so I can see where BB gets confused as he plays with her.) A favorite litany (screamed) back and forth surrounds the topic of who is the boss.
Apparently, my husband and I do not live up to this role sufficiently for their liking. So figuring that we aren't in the running, they compete again each other. "You are not the boss, EG!" "Yes, I am. You am'nt the boss, BB" Back and forth. Sometimes the older one will throw me a bone..."Mommy's the boss here, EG. NOT YOU."
The other morning. EG was having a melt down over the fact I absentmindedly snapped her chair strap (fyi: you do not do anything for her that she can do for herself. your day will be better for knowing this tip.) I decided to leave it and let her deal with the fact I had done something helpful for her. She was screaming "foul" over my kindness. My Husband and I were getting breakfast and making lunch. BB decided to calm his sister down. He said something to her about being quiet and eating. He was using his big boy/teacher/calm voice to sooth her and offer ideas of how she could stop crying. At one point he just put his hands over his ears. To all of this she yelled, "You aren't the boss." In a remarkable display of "things you learned this year," BB replied, calmly..."You can be the boss of yourself, EG." (now pipe down)
FYI: EG is our two year old daughter and BB is her four year old brother. They live with a dog and two parents, who are
1 comment:
ah yes, the chair strap incidents - sounds familiar :-) Hugs to those two cute sets of initials!!!!
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