Last week, while shopping at the mall with my kids, this very nice woman held the door open for us as we trooped through. I took note that she was smartly dressed and pleasant. We walked to our car. She walked the parking lot to hers. Just as I was getting EG situated in her car seat, the Pleasant Women drove by my car. She yelled out the window, "Excuse me." After a minute, I realized someone was calling to me. I turned around, preparing myself for "whatever" one would through yell through the window of a car at me. "Where did you get your jeans? They look so good on you." Internally, laughing (is she serious?), I shared the information and chatted a bit. She thanked me and drove off.
I can't pinpoint when it happened, but people stopped complimenting me in day to day life. I have to be honest, I probably stopped complimenting others, too. People seem to look at me oddly, or are suprised. I'm not sure if it is a geographic/cultural issue, my age, my stage in life...or, of course, I could (briefly) consider that there is less to compliment me on at this point in my life. For a brief moment I have to admit, "I sure ain't trying that hard any more." (While this story is about compliments on appearance, there are other things we could find to celebrate about each other as well.)
But surely there is something we could highlight about each other. I miss the days when my friends--or random strangers--complimented each other on a regular basis. Let's bring that back*. Take a look around, and throw someone a compliment...even if you have to shout it out the window.
*I do not, however, miss the Junior High 'fishing for a compliment' stage. "I hate my hair today." Translation: "I worked for five hours on these bangs, please tell me they look good." It is an annoying phase in a 14 year old; on a person 30 years or older it is just painful and embarrassing.
Heather, I have always thought your jeans looked great on you! :)
In all honesty, two compliments come quickly to mind when I think of you: Your hair is AMAZING, and I love your "real" way of looking at life and others. I'm glad you're my friend!
Thank you, Rachel...but I wasn't looking for a compliment so much as waxing nostalgic for a time when we all have TIME, energy and interest to compliment each other.
That, and really, I have to share stories about people yelling out the window at me. ;)
I bet I know which jeans she is talking about :-) I agree.....simple compliments are quite, quite amazing. That will be my new Lenten "thing" since I wasn't near strong enough at this point in my life to give up sweets this time ;-)
No, Colette...I have new jeans. :)
On Wednesday night I wore a new outfit to church and after the 5th compliment I realized I had forgotten how to respond and was starting to think, "what do I *usually* look like??" :)
I would also compliment your mothering skills -- even (especially!) with coffee cup in hand. :)
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