Who Am I?

Monday, November 02, 2009

What time?!

We had a fantastic Halloween...couldn't have been better.  Food, friends, candy, my favorite sugar cookies in the whole wide world.   But after a few hours of fun, EG was buzzing so badly that it was obvious we needed to be heading home.  Or at least strap her into something secure where she couldn't hurt herself or others. 

And, I was tired.  The day was done for us.  I felt good.  I felt like we had accomplished a lot.  I felt like we were grownups with friends and kids.  I felt connected to my place.  Then I looked at the clock when we got in to the car.  We were leaving our friend's house at 8:30pm.  Which, given the falling back, was really 7:30pm.
"Perhaps, I'm not as cool as I think I am." ran through my mind.

My min-van driving state of lame-ness was only reinforced when I heard how my parents and their friends spent halloween.  After passing out candy and eating dinner at a popular restaurant, they left a hip and trendy Uptown bowling alley at Midnight.  Then they went back to a friend's house for dessert and coffee.  My mom went to bed at 3:00am.


Perhaps, life does get better with age.


Colette said...

LOL :-)

Anonymous said...

that is too funny. If it means anything, I am impressed that you all went somewhere. We tried Apple Blossom farm and they had closed all but the playground down for the day, so our big thing was some trick or treating and the kids getting excited each time the doorbell rang at our house. Who knows, maybe one day we'll all have the cool social life of your parents:)-BW