BB is following his sister around the playroom. I am in the computer room and I can only hear what is going on. I hear toys being tossed and moved around and EG chatting a little. Then out of the blue, BB begins to ask EG, "What you thinking about God?" (sentence goes up at the end and he is using his "teacher" voice.) He continues to follow her around asking this question. Over and over. I don't hear her responding. (Geez, when did my brother go to evangelism school?)
Then BB changes tactics. "Want to praise him?" (really high voice, still an up talker) He asks this a few times and then says, "Want to thank him for all those things we think about..."
"Are you thinking about giving him cookies?"
For the first time I hear her enter the conversation. "Yes. God give cookies."
I can hear them say that. They are really something! Spoken like a Grandma that is crazy about them. ;-)
Hilarious! You should set up a tape recorder in there. Cookies are a great motivator...most commonly used by God, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, I hear ;-) Hugs to those little chatters!!!!
These two are the best theologians ever. Love it!
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