Who Am I?

Monday, August 03, 2009

Here's All I've Got.

I'm back from a trip to see my husband's family. I got sick the last night we were there...I remember the thermometer reading 110 degrees, but as a kind friend told me today. "That probably wasn't possible. Could it have been 101?" Sure could have. Who knows? All I know is that I was freezing and had those flu dreams all night. You, know, where the cookie is chasing you around the living room of the house you grew up in. Doesn't everyone have those when they get a fever?

So, in order to be productive in VBS tomorrow I should head to bed now. I have a million entries to write...but they are all in my head. Argh. Hope to get some writing time soon. In the meantime, head over to Dr. Paris' blog. Another entry that made me want to hug her...and I've never even met her.



Colette said...

I'm not laughing at you being sick, but giggling at the "cookie crahsing you" dream. Glad to hear you also have wacko dreams when you're sick - I thought I was the only one. Hope you are feeling better soon ~~ summer is no time not to be feeling great.

Anonymous said...

enjoyed Dr. Paris...wish I had more time to read on. -BW