Who Am I?

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

All or Nothing

A few months ago, I posted a link to an article from Fidelia's Sisters on my facebook page. Click the link to see the article. It was titled, There *is* such a thing as part-time ministry. It gave good advice and offered me the needed validation I craved. In the face of my seminary classmates "getting ahead" of me (although we don't really talk that way or think of our careers/callings in the same corporate model...but I think we all take note of the tracks everyone is heading off on.) I have twinges of jealousy...mixed with fear that I am, indeed, falling behind by remaining "on family leave" for so long.

But, I'm not actually sure there is such a thing as 'part time' when it comes to ministry. (or the Christian life...) I am hired (not an offical call) to serve a very, very specific population of a congregation for 10 hours a week. This includes preaching and leading worship, each once a month. On paper it looks to be very part-time, right?

Except when things like this past week happen. In passing on Sunday a person mentioned something about a change in their life...and then went on to talk about the actual conversational topic. There were a number of people around and I was proped at the edge of the conversation (although the news was meant for me to learn) so I let the comment pass. It was shocking to learn the news and I have been thinking about it ever since and how to best re-engage the conversation next Sunday. Now, the family nor the person who told me fits into my defined job description. Neither does the other member of the family who was the only one who came to my office hours at the coffee shop on Monday. The 70 year old who chatted with me had other reasons for wanting to talk but it wasn't until she was leaving that I tied her to first part of this story and begin to wonder how I could have helped her given the news.

All of this is fairly typical and even, mundane, pastoral stuff. Very much the day to day workings of parish ministy. But it isn't part time. People don't fit in job descriptions like that, do they.

This is exactly why I have found it easier to take an all or nothing approach up until now. I thought I was just putting my big toe back in...but it is a slippery slope and unless you catch yourself on a branch on the way down, you're feet will be in the water and then your leg and pretty soon, who knows, your whole body may be under. And, perhaps, that is the point of our calling after all. Walking around wet and fully emersed*.

Check out the Fidelia's Sisters blog...great articles on women and ministry.

*don't write me on boundries...I have very healthy professional boundries. Don't worry. :)

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