It has been a while. Missed you. Here's the update...
new part-part time job to create small group at church.
evening meetings mean doing more parenting hand offs in the entry way.
time is a bit more precious and multitasking skills are being honed.
EG is nearly a year old. What a miraculous and horrible year...all in one. She is the funniest little bug.
BB is articulating lots of thoughts. Some are HIL-arious (as he says), some are annoying, some get him in time outs. He spends much of his day in a imaginary world all his own.
dust bunnies breeding with abandon.
kitchen manages to get cleaned up each night.
do not enter bathrooms.
potty training may go on until college.
caught the flu...lost a week of my life.
time to run to the post office...behind on mailing b-day gifts.
in constant search of Christian compassion and patience for those who see the world differently than I do.
husband's job, our housing and location remain in limbo.
dog is too much work for me.
have cut out fast food for Lent.
hope to join a gym.
clothes are clean as I leave the house.
1 comment:
What exactly is "fast food"? Does Panera's count as that? Hmmmm.
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