I woke up EG around 10pm to feed her. She quickly became a vomiting baby in my arms and I had the first 'mom moment' of holding vomit. Blech. Thankfully it was a one time occurrence. But she wanted to be held most of the night, so I woke up refreshed and ready for the day at 2am, 3:30am and 5am.
BB woke up with potty training amnesia. Adding to this charm, he has a new phrase, he yells "Hey!" whenever he wants your attention or to tell you something. It is rude, annoying and rockets me 12 years forward to when I have a 15 yr old towering over me.
Now at 10:17am I think we have restored some calm. He is singing to himself in the other room and EG is asleep in her bed. Anything I had hoped to get done today is off my list.
We had a good weekend. A trip to Chicago to see the Shedd "fishies." A nice drive, more Chipotle, good to be out together...
The cutest moment was in the shark area. My husband had EG in a front pack and was kneeling down by BB as the sharks swam by. Every once in a while BB would step right up to the window and then with each progressive shark he'd step back just a bit. He cuddled up next to his dad, who put his arm around him and absentmindedly rubbed BB's arm as he pointed to fish. At one point we looked down at and BB who was rubbing his sister's hand and whispering to her, "It's ok. It's ok...aren't the fish pretty..."
I was sad we had to skip the Michigan Ave lighting party (or whatever it is called..) but I preached on Sunday am. I preached on seeing Christ in others...let me tell you preaching that from the pulpit is completely different from living it in the lines at Target and Cub Foods. I won't be going to Target on the weekends for another month or so.
Those of you who read this blog know my fascination with grocery store demographics. Sunday, it was "Dad and Multiple kids" day at Cub foods. I saw about 8 dads with at least 3 kids each...some had up to 6. Never in all my life will I look upon grocery shopping as quality family time. More power to them. (They probably came home with stories about the crazy, bleary eyed pastor who talked to herself throughout the aisles...)
We are off to get medicine and coffee. (why don't more business' have drive up windows!)
Hope all is well with you!
Oh on - sorry to hear about Emily's vomit episode. Ugh - for both of you! I dread that day. Really - vomit scares me. I hate throwing up and can't imagine I will enjoy Eva throwing up much more ;-( Sounds like a fun day at the Shedd - v. cute story about Henry showing some protective, brotherly love :-) Hope the rest of the week goes a bit more according to plan -
As if "Hey!" weren't bad enough, my three-year-old has started making a horrible screeching noise when I ignore him for too long. It sounds like a cross between a police siren and poking styrofoam with a ball-point pen. We're trying to get to the "Excuse me, Mommy" transition, but it is SLOW GOING.
Sorry to hear your little ones were sick for the holiday, but yes, it is nice sometimes to take a break and put all commitments on hold. As always, a pleasure to read your thoughts.
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