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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Must Haves for Summer Travel

Ok, because my only other option is to a) not write ( and when I do that some of the natives get restless...) b) whine (and when I do that I feel ridiculous and immature...) I have decided to post one of those silly, yet fun, "get to know your friend" polls. I choose this one in anticipation of summer travel. This one is from RevGalPals...

What are the five things you simply must have when you are away from home? And why? Any history or goofy things, or stories?

1. My pillow. It is just perfect and the only one I like. I choose to not bring it to my in-laws a few weeks ago and PAID the price. I've never experienced such high, hard pillows in all my life. My parents house is just the opposite...there I've never seen flatter pillows. Plus, having it helps me sleep in the car.
2. My toothbrush is an obvious answer.
3. Outside of those two...I am having a hard time coming up with things I MUST HAVE...(so, why did you choose this topic, one might ask?) Blistex chapstick is always with me.
4. A book, magazine, knitting or something to do in the car. (This was more so pre-kids...now they seem to find lots for me to do. In fact I demanded to drive the last time we went somewhere. It was to only way to relax.)
5. My hairdryer. I don't know that I must have it...but I always pack it.

(ok, if I am honest, I always pack makeup and my own shower soaps and shampoo/conditioner. But I don't HAVE to have them...)

These things are only fun if YOU join in...How about you?


Anonymous said...

You are right about the natives getting restless! :)

How fun!! Ok - here are mine (In order!!): camera, chocolate, books/magazines, slip off shoes (I take them off the minute I get in the car and wear them in hotels - yuck, when I think about all the feet that have been on that carpet), music

I used to have to bring my pillow (I know what you are talking about, sister!!) but with three children, WAY too many pillows as I bring their pillows. Such is the sacrifice of a mother! :) Sometimes I will borrow one of theirs in the car.

Also, now that my van has a DVD player in it, I would have to say movies are something I must bring for the kids. Ok, ok, yes...it really is for me. When they watch movies, I can read. If only my husband would stop talking to me!!

Anonymous said...

Ok hmmm....This is in no particular order....q-tips (quirky, I know, but I need them), snacks (gummy something or something chocolate), camera (although I need to be better about using it at times), my hairbrush and comfy pj's....a variety of outfits is nice too:)

A Work in Progress said...

I also use to bring ever possible shoe option I had for each outfit--so a bag of shoes. In recent years I've parred down-four pairs max. (of course, entire style has become t-shirts and jeans/shorts...so how many shoes does a girl need?)

I am waiting to hear from my "pack it all in one backpack" friend and my mother who is in the midst of packing as I write. :)

Anonymous said...

I always pack just the right amount clothes for my kids (my husband has to gather for himself - I'll fold and put in suitcase) and then when it gets to me...Sheesh! It seems like my whole closet comes. I also seem to bring outfits that a specific pair of shoes goes with so I end up with LOTS of shoes. Q tips??? Hmmm! Very interesting. I could never get my all my stuff in one backpack. I also left out my hot rollers. Yes, I know, very 80s but I still use them (or, ahem take them). On our vacation out west I hauled them around for 10 days and did NOT use them once. Just can't make decisions! :)

Anonymous said...

ok, it drives me crazy to have water in my ears and the only makeup I wear is usally mascara or eyeliner and I use q-tips for smudges and such, so for me a necessity, yes a backpack would probably never work for me, especially at this stage in my life.-BW