For some time now, I have had one too many caringbridge sites to follow. I'd rather have zero but instead I have five or six. Two of which are near and dear to my family's hearts. Yuck. Sigh.
But today, I am not sighing over the people's conditions reported on at the sites, but on the well being of those commenting on some of them. I catch myself offering prayers for the supporters and friends.
Some of the comments simply reflect a piece of the Christian body that is foreign to me. Some reflect theology that is just uncomfortable for me. Some are just not well thought out. All of them come from people hurting and grasping for words of comfort...comfort for the one with the diagnosis, and comfort for themselves as they feel completely helpless and weak...and well, human.
Many comments speak of a "miracle." Some allude to the number of visits and marvel that surely God will act because of the great number of people praying. "God can't help but take notice." More than one offers the platitude that "God has a plan."
I sincerely, do. not. understand. With all compassion and love, how is this helping either party?
Perhaps many of us, in the heat of the crisis, don't think our theology out to the next step...
And if a miracle doesn't happen? Whatever that miracle may be, when it doesn't happen, what then do you say about God?
My fear is people blame themselves...
needed to pray more
there was some unrepentant sin
didn't trust enough
didn't do, didn't do, didn't do...and God forgot us or worse, just turned away in disgust.
Must worker hard for God to notice...
I can't believe in a God who practices conditional love. 'If/then' theology doesn't work for me. It breaks my heart (and I am filled with more than a bit of anger) when I hear it taught, modeled and preached. I wonder, "how is it life sustaining for anyone?"
When my heart is breaking over the state of the world, the pain in people's lives, and the uncertainty of life, when I am crippled over at the weight of my own sin; I can't believe in a God that practices 'if/then' love.
God has loved us through quite a bit of "stuff" since daylight first broke and the sun first set. From what I've heard and experienced, God has never waited for us to get our act together before participating in our lives.
When I am in pain, I find it much more comforting to know God is crying with me, angry and hurt, even more than I am, at death, sickness and sin. I find it much more comforting to think God takes notice of all of creation--regardless of whether we have our act together, regardless of how many prayers we have offered up, regardless of if we've said the "right words and actions"or not. God who seeks out all of us lost and wandering people...not only takes notice, but acts in our lives. Unconditionally, reaches out in love, hope and mercy.
We humans can so easily take God and mold the Creator of the Universe for our own human purpose--making God fit in to the mold we can most relate to. I do it all the time. Many would say that I've done it with this post.
Today, I am thankful for God's patience with us and the never ceasing participation in our lives. May our comments be life giving and our lives filled with hope.
So well said Heather! THANK YOU
AMEN,AMEN You are on target and reflect the God I know is present in the lives of all, living in this crazy world. Thank you for your words of comfort.
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