This past week I discovered something more tiring than being a mom...being a Robin Mama.
A few weeks ago a nice Robin couple made a nest in the pine tree right outside our kitchen window. Pretty soon three perfect, blue eggs showed up. We watched and wondered how they would do. Henry was so excited. While he had no idea what it meant for eggs to 'hatch' he got the gist that it was a special event. I began to worry that this might also turn into Henry's first taste of the big cruel world of nature. I so wanted the eggs to hatch and the birds to live.
Proving that we mothers are a competitive bunch, I began to second guess the Robin Mama's moves.
"Should you really leave the nest so often?"
"Are the eggs warm enough?"
"Awfully windy today, hope you built that nest well."
"Was it smart to build your nest so close to our house?"
Last Wednesday I noticed some movement in the nest and sure enough, there were three baby birds crying out for food. (the photo is not of our baby birds but rather some in PA at Jenell Paris' home)
All weekend we watched with fascination as the Robin family attended to their babies needs. It made me tired. Apparently worms are digested even faster than breast milk. She no sooner feeds them than she flies off to find another worm or grub. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. At least I know how she loses the baby weight.
Obviously parents both of us, our nest multiplied as Chad and I unconsciously check on the birds and report back to each other. "She's feeding them again." "She's got a big grub this time." "Oh, nice worm." "They are awake."
We have tried to respect their space but Sunday I just had to plant some flowers. My own babies were in the house with their Dad and I had some luxurious time to myself. Mama Robin watched me the whole time. As I dug in the soil, just out of my peripheral vision I could see this little bird hopping around in a nervous fit; a fresh worm or grub hanging from her beak.
So our flowers are planted a little denser on one side of the flowerbed and there are weeds under only one tree. I worked as fast as I could.
I feel for her, I really do. These kids are exhausting. At least mine are cute.

I know how you feel, after watching March of the Penguins, I felt they have it harder than us....and yet I am still exhausted:)
Hearing your robin story makes me think of my baby robin tragedy of a few years ago...I'm glad yours are doing so well. I'll be cheering for them! Can't wait to hear about their first successful flight from the nest!
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