It may be safest for me to stay home for the next two months. At least then I won't lose, forget or misplace anything else. You see, I am losing my brain. Apparently with baby number two you lose even more brain cells (or perhaps you never fully regained brain cells from first child's pregnancy and birth) and at a faster rate.
Cases in point:
Yesterday I went grocery shopping. Everything seemed normal and fine. Around 4pm when I decided I should get on with the defrosting of the chicken breasts I had just bought (three packages of) I couldn't find them any where. Freezer? Nope. Fridge? Nope. Car? (four hours later) Nope. (thank goodness) Freezer? Fridge? Car? I think the real sign of insanity, is that I checked these places each three times before giving into the realization that a) they were left at the bagging station or b) they were left in the cart in the parking lot. In the middle of my search for chicken, Chad called. The saddest part of the story is his response: in that quiet, kind, calm 'Chad' way, was, "Did you check the cabinets? 'cause remember last month you put the cheese block in there." ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
But no, the chickens weren't in the cabinets.
Ok, so no harm. We are out some money and I have to go get chickens tomorrow.
This morning, I put Chad's sandwich in the freezer instead of getting the freezer block out (I also can not think of the actual word for the thing that keeps food cool in a cooler.)
SO....I am staying home today.